Integrating Language and CultureJanuary 2018
Hi everyone, I'm Kyle Cramer, Technology Development Manager at Evia Learning. I am starting a new blog series to keep you informed about recent and upcoming changes to In this post, I will talk about some recent changes made over the holiday break...
WG website FAQ
How will my students gain access to the website? Students will be able to purchase web access two ways: 1) directly in our online store, or 2) via web access cards that your school bookstore may stock. Purchasing direct will be a bit cheaper, so this is recommended....
September 2018
Happy start of the 2018/2019 academic year! Summer flew by this year, and here at Evia Learning we have been busy on more website upgrades! We want to let you know what to expect as you begin classes. Here is a list of what we have been working on: Progress Report...