How will my students gain access to the website?
Students will be able to purchase web access two ways: 1) directly in our online store, or 2) via web access cards that your school bookstore may stock. Purchasing direct will be a bit cheaper, so this is recommended. There is a 5-month access option and a 24-month access option.
How will I be able to see results of the student work in the website?
There are two ways for you to see what students are doing in the site.
1) PDF transcript: this is very similar to the printouts in the old software program. Students can click a button in each Thema to create a PDF transcript that lists each activity and their score/response. This PDF can be printed, emailed, or uploaded for the professor.
2) Progress Reports: this is new for the website. You can create a “course group” inside the site and have students use your “course code” to join your course. This will allow you, the instructor of that course, to see student scores and responses inside the website. Students will not be able to see each other’s work; only the instructor can view work done by students enrolled in their course.
How can I create a course group in the website?
As we get closer to the fall, we will send you a link to a short form that you can submit to have us create your course group(s). We need just a few pieces of information, and then we can get those set up and will send you the course code(s) that students will use to join your course, allowing you to view their work online.
How is the website content different from the software content?
This fall, there are only minor content differences. For example, we are currently using to host our vocab for the website, and we are using their activities for the vocab sections. These activities are not the exact same ones we created for our software, so you will notice differences there. In the future, we may work to program some of our own vocab interactions into the website, as well. We are looking forward to many years of development in the website, so there are likely to be form and content changes in the coming years. We will offer periodic updates to keep you posted on future changes.
Will I be able to assign homework inside the website?
Not currently. If there is high demand for this functionality, we may look at how it can be added in a future update. For now, users should assign online homework in the syllabus alongside Lernbuch homework.
Will this website automatically feed grades into my LMS or online gradebook?
Not currently. We do hope to explore LMS integration in the future. The initial launch of the website will not link to third party websites, though, apart from
Does the website contain an e-book version of the Lernbuch?
It does not. The Lernbuch is still only available in print format and is sold separately.
Can I still use the software program with my class?
The website is fully replacing the software program, and only the website will be available going forward. Downloads of the old software program will be suspended as of July 2018, and all unused software download codes will have their functionality transferred to the website so that they can be used to gain 24 months of web access instead.
Will there be a demo version of the website for students who might not stay in the class?
Yes. There will be a publicly available demo that will grant 2 weeks of free access to unit 1 of the Weiter geht’s! website along with a free PDF of unit 1 of the textbook. This can be found in the Weiter geht’s! online store at once the site is made public. We encourage students to use these demos if they might leave the class to avoid getting stuck with a used textbook or access code that could be ineligible for a refund at the bookstore. Students can receive a full refund on web access purchases made directly from Evia Learning within 14 days of purchase.